Church holidays and memories of saints this week:
- Tuesday, March 4, feast of ST. KAZIMIERZ, the prince.
- Wednesday, March 5, Ash Wednesday – The Great Lent.
- Friday, March 7, optional memorial of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs.
- Saturday, March 8, optional memorial of Saint John of God, religious.
Great Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.
On Ash Wednesday, abstinence is obligatory (meat is not consumed) and strict (quantitative) fasting is obligatory. The law of abstinence applies to all those over 14 years of age, and the law of fasting applies to adults up to the age of 60.
There is no obligation to participate in Holy Mass. Nevertheless, we encourage you to participate.
During Mass, the rite of sprinkling the head with ashes is performed. It is prepared from palm branches or other trees consecrated the previous year during Palm Sunday. This act symbolizes the frailty and transience of man, and is a sign of mourning and penance.
Every Friday of Great Lent we invite you to The Stations of the Cross. Prayer will start at 17:30, i.e. half an hour before the Holy Mass.
Daily Holy Mass is celebrated at 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass:
- in Russian at 3:00 PM
- in English at 4:00 PM